
Carlos Alberto Campello Jorge, MD 

Dr. Campello Jorge is a current Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Dr. Burris' lab. He moved to Ann Arbor in Spring 2023 after serving as a physician in the Brazilian Military Army following his medical training at the Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil. His translational work in the lab concentrates on patients with genetic connective tissue disorders such as Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome, and vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Dr. Jorge has a keen interest in knowledge synthesis and the application of artificial intelligence in medicine. He hopes to continue his training in Diagnostic Radiology.


Prabhvir Singh Marway, MB BChir, MA

Dr. Marway is a current Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Dr. Burris' lab. He joined in Spring 2023 after spending three years working as a physician in England's NHS, having received his medical degree from the University of Cambridge in 2020. By combining his experience in medical image analysis and clinical medicine, he works on a variety of translational and clinical projects using VDM to better understand Thoracic Aortic Disease. A strong collaborative research environment within the lab has allowed his work on risk prediction in Type B Aortic dissection to be awarded the RSNA Trainee Research Prize, and his work on growth in ascending Aortic Aneurysm to be recognized by the AHA (Young Investigator Award Finalist).


Timothy J. Baker, PhD

Dr. Baker is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Dr. Burris' lab. He earned his Ph.D. in computer science and engineering from the University of Michigan in 2023 where he developed energy-efficient neural networks for on-device machine learning. Leveraging his background in computer vision and deep learning, Tim is currently implementing technical improvements to the lab's Vascular Deformation Mapping (VDM) software. Current improvements under development include a more robust VDM validation method using synthetic phantoms and extension of VDM to medical resonance images.


Drew Braet, MD, MS (PGY-4, Integrated Vascular Surgery)

Dr. Braet is a Vascular Surgery resident at University of Michigan with clinical and research interests in advanced vascular imaging, cerebrovascular disease, aortic aneurysms, and computational fluid dynamics. Currently, Dr. Braet is working on the application of Vascular Deformation Mapping and computational modeling to better define and predict growth of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. 


Research Staff

Greg Spahlinger, PhD

Research Analyst


UM Faculty Collaborators 

C. Alberto Figueroa, PhD

Edward B. Diethrich M.D. Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Vascular Surgery

Lab website:

David Nordsletten, PhD

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Cardiac Surgery

Lab website:

Himanshu Patel, MD

Joe D. Morris Collegiate Professor of Cardiac Surgery

Head, Section of Adult Cardiac Surgery

David Williams, MD

Kyung J. Cho Collegiate Professor of Radiology

Extramural Collaborators 

David Marlevi, PhD (Karolinska Institute  & MIT)

David is a Postdoctoral fellow from Sweden and research lead of quantitative cardiovascular imaging Karolinska Institute (KI) in Stockholm, Sweden. His research is focused on developing  data-driven image analysis tools to tackle urgent clinical challenges across 

the heart, aorta, and brain.  He received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and working on non-invasive cardiovascular imaging - specifically involving vascular ultrasound elastography, hemodynamic analysis by 4D flow MRI, and pre-clinical tomographic imaging. David is a recent recipient of the prestesigopus European Research Council Starting Grant to fund a  project focused on multiscale imaging of cardiovascular pressure gradients (MultiPRESS).

Chuck Hatt, PhD (Director of Research - Imbio LLC)

Julio Sotelo, PhD (Universidad de Valparaíso-Chile)


Yanglong Lu, PhD

Dr. Lu is a postdoctoral research fellow in Department of Radiology at University of Michigan. He received his PhD and BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, working on process monitoring of additive manufacturing processes, multi-physics modeling and simulation, and machine learning for smart manufacturing. His current research interests extend to physics-informed machine learning and its applications in diagnosis and prognosis of thoracic aortic aneurysm.


Yunus Ahmed, MD  (Visiting Doctoral Student)

I am a research fellow in the department of Cardiac Surgery, pursuing my PhD. After finishing medical school in the Netherlands, I moved to Ann Arbor in 2019, through a collaboration between U-M and Utrecht University. 

The work I do focuses on many different aspects of the thoracic aorta; we study outcomes and perform CT-based analysis of thoracic aortic disease, evaluate novel treatment paradigms in acute aortic syndrome and study biomechanics of thoracic aortic an aortic valve disease.


Pieter van Bakel, MD   (Visiting Doctoral Student)

I am a research fellow in the department of Cardiac Surgery. I moved to Ann Arbor in the Spring of 2020 and am currently pursuing my PhD after having completed medical school at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. My current research protects include a systematic-review/meta-analysis on predictors of growth of the thoracic aorta after open surgical repair, imaging predictors of of renal malperfusion in aortic dissection and multi-parametric assessment of hemodynamic and mechanical factors that drive TAA growth using a combination of computational modeling and 3D growth mapping (Vascular Deformation Mapping).


Matthew Henry  (Master's Student/MS4)

Matthew Henry is currently completing a Master of Science in Clinical Research in-between his third and fourth years of medical school. He plans to pursue diagnostic and interventional radiology training after he completes his master’s and medical degrees. His research interests include understanding patient characteristics that predict thoracic aortic aneurysm growth. Matthew is currently working on multiple projects, include a systematic review and meta-analysis describing factors that influence thoracic aortic aneurysm growth, a study to implement Vascular Deformation Mapping in Marfan syndrome patients, and predicting renal malperfusion during aortic dissections through entry tear size and false lumen flow.


Jason Bian (MS Student- EECS)

Research Assistant

I am currently perusing  my M.S. (Computer Vision track) in EECS Dept. at University of Michigan, will graduate in April, 2021 and will be entering a PhD in Computer Science in Fall 2021. I completed my B.E. degree in ECE (Automation) at Southeast University in 2019. My research interests lie primarily in the area of image processing, computer vision, and applied machine learning. 


Jiayang Zhong (MS Student- EECS)

Research Assistant
